Friday, January 16, 2009

Movie Review: "Bride Wars"

"Bride Wars"

A fluffy movie like this being released right in the middle of award season baffles some. Not me.

I liked this movie a lot, partially because of its nothingness.

It's too bad that such a light-hearted film is going to get ripped apart by people who enter the theater knowing exactly what this movie is, and yet are looking to bash it.

If they could just get past the fact that this movie is no thought-provoking "Slumdog Millionaire" or "Milk," I think they would actually enjoy it.

Watching the trailer for "Bride Wars," I thought that I had seen everything there was to see.

The preview appeared to have shown audiences the entire plot as well as all of the best laughs in this seemingly predictable, clichéd chick flick.

I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I was wrong. That's not to say that "Bride Wars" is going to win any awards or critical acclaim (as previously stated - it's not). But the movie proves better than what it's advertised to be.

"Bride Wars" is a silly, heartwarming escape from the daily grind that's plainly delightful.

Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway star as Olivia and Emma, best friends who spent their childhoods acting and planning out their dream weddings.

Their weddings begin and end with three things: the month of June, The Plaza Hotel and Marion St. Claire (Candice Bergen), New York's most prestigious wedding planner.

When their boyfriends, played brilliantly by the hilarious Steve Howey and the ever-likeable Chris Pratt, propose, the girls immediately begin to plan their dream weddings.

It all seems like the fairytale they've always wanted, until Olivia and Emma discover that either by some twist of fate, or just the unwitting mistake of an overwhelmed secretary, their weddings have been scheduled for the same June day at the Plaza.

Catfights ensue while the bonds of friendship are tested and the two see how far they are willing to go to ensure their weddings are perfect.

For me, there were two things that made "Bride Wars" work.

The first is the chemistry between leading ladies Hudson and Hathaway. Hudson is scary believable as the controlling, stubborn Alpha to Hathaway's pitch-perfect portrayal of the endearing, acquiescent Beta.

These two just complement each other so well. The sincerity of their relationship makes you believe that these two have supported each other forever.

If there was on-set tension between them, as was reported in every tabloid on the newsstand, it didn't come through in their performances.

Second, the script, written surprisingly by two women and a man (SNL cast member Casey Wilson, June Diane Raphael and Greg DePaul), was extremely witty.

There were even moments when the script was less of a comedy and more of a dramatic insight to the girls' friendship, which I personally liked.

This made the laughs that were there even bigger.

As far as predictability goes, the predictions that I made before viewing were amusingly brought up in the film, but were not the ultimate outcome, which was quite refreshing.

This movie is simple. It's fun. It will make you laugh. It doesn't explore new territory or spur controversy, but it makes for a great night out.

And it's wonderful for what it is: fluff.


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